Chapter 01

The Wave Has Been Coming.


A perspective of three different working days, 26 years apart, to help understand the evolution of work, and how the tsunami of change in our working lives has been growing.

“As one meme has put it, the biggest driver of transformation of any company from 2020 onwards, will not be a CEO, or CTO, it will be Covid-19.”

Chapter 02

Reading The Swell.


A dive into data, reports, and perspectives that show how the world of work has been shifting, with the rise of the millennial cohort of more than 35% of the total workforce, who have been, and now will most definitely, force a change in the meaning of companies, and how they function.

“Understanding how the characteristics of the workforce will be heightened coming out of a period of self-isolation and reflection, it’s clear that there is a need for an evolution in organisational thinking as we read the swell and manage the next wave of working life.”   

In this section we learn from various sources including PwC, McKinsey, HBR, Hubspot, Etsy, Buffer, Zappos, Jack Dorsey and Irvine Welsh.

Chapter 03

An Evolution Of Thinking.


The introduction of an evolved lens of choice in the new normal post Covid-19.  A model that reframes a Hierarchy of Needs to a Hierarchy of Wants, as the ultimate decision tree that captures the power shift of how this new workforce chooses which company it wants to work for, and why.  

“The fact that the power shift is moving, is going to give even more focus on how companies can design systems, clarify purpose, build cultures, and re-orient their posture, to satisfy the wants of this generation to be more attractive and connected today, and into the future.”  

In this section we are inspired by thinkers including Abraham Maslow, Simon Sinek, Howard Schultz, Yvon Chouinard, and businesses including The Container Store, Warby Parker, Whole Foods, Netflix, and Cargill.

Chapter 04

The Fifth Industrial Revolution Is Here.


A proposition that explores the first industrial revolution of its kind that is driven by the needs of humanity versus the progression of technology. Exploring the difference in how we think, and then how we make, versus how we make and how that encourages us to think differently. 

“This is not an industrial revolution driven by a change in technology, invention or industry, but an industrial revolution driven by change in mindset, motivations and humanity.”

In this section we learn from the work of Mary Parker Follett and John Lennon.

Chapter 05

Leading In The New Normal.


In this new world order defined by how cultures, mindsets, motivations and wants will be shifting, we need to calibrate and define an evolution in all facets of how to lead.  This section offers seven traits and perspectives for leaders to learn from for the new normal.

“Lean into this new moment of change, and see if the culture you build can define the next generation of process, people, and profit for the business, as well as personally for how you can step up and lead in the new normal.”

In this section we look for guidance from a plethora of authors including Charles Handy, Jim Collins, Laszlo Block, Mark Divine, and a variety of leaders such as Kobe Bryant, Sundar Pichai, Virgil Abloh, and Jacinda Ardern.

Chapter 06

Building A Culture Unlike Never Before.


In the Fifth Industrial Revolution culture will change forever.  As the workforce leads the change in industry, the workplace, and their professional lives, the notion of how cultures are built will be reinvented.  Here are six different perspectives that can help to unlock an evolved culture in the new normal.

“We will no longer see culture being built in the open-plan kitchens, with the on-site perks or unlimited snacks, or the need to always be together physically, by the ping-pong table or the arcade machine. Culture will be what binds organisations and their employees together, it will be the connective societal tissue of an organisation.”   

In this section we look back at the work of Charles Handy to look forward to a new model of thinking.

Chapter 07

The Wave Is Here.


A final perspective of how our working life has evolved as we awake from the hibernation of Covid-19 into the chiropractic change that is now here as we enter a new normal of work.  

“This is a beautiful day. It is a new day. We are together. We are unified, and all for the cause. Because together, we got power.  Apart, we got power.”

Come Together, by Primal Scream.